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原平七小“抗击新冠疫情”作品展 第四辑

2020年03月07日 17:10:48 访问量:277


Spring Flowers will Still Bloom

No. 7 primary school   Li Juan


On January 23rd, when the nation was about to celebrate the country's most important holiday, the Spring Festival, the spread of new pneumonia, called COVID-19, completely disrupted people's normal life.

In the face of this battle, our country showed her great strength. President Xi Jinping showed great concern on the epidemic. He presided over a number of meetings, discussing and giving significant directions to fight against the epidemic. The 84-year-old Zhong Nanshan, a famous scientist and doctor, volunteered on New Year's Eve, going to Wuhan to deal with the disease that had claimed a lot of lives. Like Professor Zhong, tens of thousands of doctors and nurses from other Provinces offered to go to Hubei to help fight against COVID-19.

Epidemics are orders, and it is our responsibility to prevent and control. Every one of us should take part in this battle. In order to fight against viruses, what I can do was staying at home and avoiding going out. Washing hands and airing the room became a routine. Every day I did so. Besides, I paid close attention to the news of the epidemic, hoping that the epidemic could be controlled. At the same time, I helped to keep track of the health condition of teachers and students in our school.

Time passed quickly. In late February, with the joint efforts of the people of the country, things became better. Late February always welcomes students coming back to school, but we couldnt go back to school as usual because although things became better, the epidemic was not over. In order that students would not fall behind in their study, our school leaders made a quick decision to encourage teachers to teach by making use of a learning platform, Dingding. And in the following days, detailed measures came out. My colleagues and I made great efforts to improve our teaching efficiency so as to guarantee students learning.

Now the battle is about to win. I will continue to do what I can to fight against the epidemic. I believe that with the joint efforts of the people all over the country, we will take off the mask, go out of the house, run to the school and sing the song "I love you, China " with our students!




原平市第七小学   张所元


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